Friday, 28 February 2014
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Was Hazrat Fatima (rta) Murdered?
Many Shia 'brothers and sisters' take issue with me loving the Sahaba (rta) and all the Righteous Caliphs (as most Muslims do Alhamdulilah) they especially dont like me posting episodes of the recent Farouk Omar serial. One of the most common accusations levelled at our beloved caliph is the one below which I think the brother has answered very well indeed. :)
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to the Shia school of thought, Hazrat Umar (rta) is responsible of the
death of Hazrat Fatima (rta), the daughter of the Messenger of God. They
explain it further by claiming that when Hazrat Ali (rta) refused to do
bay’at (pledge allegiance to) at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr (rta),
Hazrat Umar (rta) stormed the house of Hazrat Ali (rta) with several
soldiers and during the struggle to enter the house Fatima (rta) got
injured and lost her unborn child and later after few months she passed
away. I want to know how true this is and what is the background of the
story? If Hzarat ‘Umar (rta) has anything to do with the death or injury
of Fatima (rta) then what is the status of Hazrat ‘Umar (rta) in Islam
in regards to this. Your prompt reply shall be highly appreciated.
Please note that one quick response would be that the narratives are not
reliable. But I am looking for a detained response on the issue. Whey
the narratives then are acceptable to shia and unacceptable to the
be able to accuse a Companion of the Prophet (sws) and in deed any
person of a crime as serious as murder (let alone murdering the beloved
daughter of the Prophet) one needs to have relevant and reliable
We try to examine the available evidences here:
I. Evidence in Mainstream Sources
accusation here is: The suspect (Umar) burned the door to the house of
the victim (Fatima) and pushed it on the victim, which resulted in the
miscarriage of her expected child."
Now let us look at one of the popular sources of evidence of this sort, one that is brought forward occasionally by Shia brothers:
Tarikh Al-Tabari:
It is recorded that Umar threatened to set the house of Fatima on fire. There is no mention that he actually did that.
more, the hadith is not reliable. It is narrated via Muhammad Ibn Hamid
Ibn Hayyan. This is a very unreliable narrator. In the book of Tahzib Al-Tahzib
we read that Bukhari says: There are concerns about his narrations.
An-Nasayee says: Not reliable, has been reported that he was a liar.
Al-Joozajani says: Not reliable. Al-Razi says: I have 5000
ahadith from him and will not narrate even one of them. Saleh Ibn
Muhammad Al-Asadi says: I Haven't seen any one bolder to Allah Ta'Ala
than him. He used to collect ahadith and forge them together. I haven't
seen any one cleverer than him and Sulayman Al-Shazekuni in lying.
Baihaqi says: The Imam of Hadith, Ibne Khuzayma does not narrate from
Based on the above we can safely conclude that the above evidence (in Tabari) is both insufficient and unreliable.
Moreover when we look further in the book of Tabari we find ahadith that conflict with the above story. Only few pages after the above record we read the following two:
· Abu Sufian asked Ali to give him his hand for Bay'at and Ali shouted at him and said we had agreed on Abu Bakr.
· When hearing about the Bay'at in Saqifa, Ali came out of his house while he was not dressed properly only to rush in doing bayat with Abu Bakr.
note that here I am not arguing that the above two records are
reliable. All I am saying is that an unbiased mind should take all these
into consideration and test all of them before any attempts for ruling a
is not a rational approach to ignore the rest of the records in books
like Tabari and only rely on those parts that suit our belief and even
then without any attempts to test the reliability of what they are
I have examined a number of other sources that are usually referred to by Shia brothers (e.g. Al-Imama wa Al-Syasah, Al Iqd Al-Farid, Qurra Al-Ayn Fi Tafzil Al-Shaykhayn). In none of them have I found a record that fulfils the following conditions:
· Clearly suggesting that Umar actually burned the door or pushed the door on Fatima (RA).
· Having reliable chains of narrators (in fact the majority of these sources do not even have a chain of narrator)
· Not accompanying with conflicting records.
on the above I can say that there is no evidence in the mainstream
sources that can support the accusation. I am more than happy to examine
any other sources that might be put forward.
II. Evidence in Shia Sources
is one of the basic rules of judgement that evidences for an accusation
should not be taken from the sources of those who have accused. Having
said that, and while appreciating that there are records in support of
the accusation in some of the Shia sources, I would like to point out
that it is very strange that in some of the more popular and old Shia
sources there are no mention of the incident.
For instance the book Al-Irshad by Mufid:
According to the Shia brothers the book is one of the very reliable sources of history not only because of its author (who is one of the gurus of Shia) but also because of the closeness of the time of writing the book to the time of the presence of Shia Imams.
his book, when it came to naming the children of Ali, (RA) initially we
find no mention of the name of the miscarried infant (Muhsin).
Mufid then says:
"and in Shia
there are some who say Fatima miscarried a male infant after the
Prophet, who had been given a name by the Prophet, and that is Muhsin.
So based on the saying of these people the children of Amir Almo'menin
(Ali) will be 18 and God knows best" (Irshad p. 336 by Mufid)
It is interesting that Mufid is not approving the miscarriage and attributes the story to some of Shia.
It is also interesting that even here there is no mention of the
alleged attack on Fatima (RA). This is while the book of Irshad is
dedicated to narrate the important incidents of the life of Shia Imams, including Ali (RA).
In Kafi, one of the four main books of Shi'ism
there is again no mention of the incident in the chapter on life of
Fatima. It merely says that Fatima was angry with Umar without any
references to any attacks taken place.
In Kashf Al-Qumah another classical book of Shi'ism again we read that there are differences of opinion about Muhsin and that some of Shia consider him to be the son of Ali from Fatima who died because of miscarriage. Again no mention of the incident itself.
Among the Shia
scholars, we have Allamah Fadhlullah who is famous for putting a
question mark on the incident and calling it unlikely because of the
conflicting records and also based on rationality. He was denounced
severely by other Shia scholars for his opinion.
Based on the above I think no judge can conclude that the Shia sources can provide us with satisfactory evidence.
III. Rationality
Being disappointed in finding hard evidence to rule against the suspect, let us now turn to rationality:
Ali according to Shia was the bravest of Arabs. In the Shia book Nahj Al-Balaqah
we read that he has said something to the effect that he was not afraid
of anything when it comes to protecting the right. I find it very
strange that such an incident could take place without Ali trying to
protect his wife (the daughter of the Prophet). We fail to find anything
about such natural reaction by Ali.
Later we find no attempts by Ali or any of the other companions or people closed to Ali's family to bring Umar to justice.
only this, we even find Ali give the name of "Umar" to one of his
children. I do not want to claim that Ali named his son after Umar the
second Khalifa. I am well aware of the answer given by our Shia brothers
implying that the naming was not after Umar the second Khalifa. However
I find it very strange that someone like Ali could give the name of the
murderer of his wife (the daughter of the Prophet) to his son. Ali was
from the same family as the Prophet. It is narrated that the Prophet
never wanted to see the face of Wahshi the killer of his uncle Hamzah
even when Wahshi embraced Islam. This is a very serious issue. Today you
find no Shia with the name Umar. The other two sons of Ali,
Uthman and Abu Bakr were present in Karbala with Husayn and were
brutally martyred in protecting their brother. Yet when you go to the
mourning ceremonies of Shia brothers you will hear the story of all the
Ahl Albayt of Husayn except Uthman and Abu Bakr merely because of their
name. This attitude of Shia about names is very understandable
and acceptable if one holds the same view that Shia hold for these
companions. One wonders why Ali's attitude was not as would have been
expected from any human being. How many people do we know who are happy
to give the name of the murderer of their wife to their son? Any one who
is slightly familiar with the culture of Arab will appreciate that this
is even stranger for an Arab.
see the further complication, we will be amazed to find that according
to records in Shia books Ali gave her daughter Umme Kulthom to Umar as
his wife (although some Shia brothers make some arguments to deny this).
So here we have the husband of the victim not only calling his son with
the name of the murderer of his wife but also giving his daughter to
the murderer of his wife!
is also very strange to think that such a huge crime has been taken
place, and (not only Ali, but) none of the companions of the Prophet
(sws) ever bothers to complain about it and to bring the sinner to the
I think it is safe to conclude that even rationality does not support the accusation.
all I discussed above was in a generic form, trying to forget the
personality of Umar. I think a Muslim who wants to be closer to Allah
Ta'ala and have better Taqwa should even have more cautious and fear in
accusing a close companion of the Prophet (sws) of such incident. Let us
not forget that we are advised in the Qur'an to pray that Allah cleanse
our hearts from any bad feelings about the early immigrants (i.e. Muhajerin) and Helpers (i.e. Ansar).
This of course does not mean that we cannot academically challenge
views or actions of any of them but at least we should be fair enough by
basing our criticism on sound evidence. I can guarantee we would not
criticise an ordinary man in our time of a crime as simple as theft with
evidences as irrelevant and as unreliable as the ones mentioned above.
Abdullah Rahim Source:
Omar (rta),
Righteous Caliphs,
Sunday, 23 February 2014
The Truth About Islam And Female Circumcision/FGM
I was very disappointed to watch a video from Shaikh Haitham Al-Haddad in which he insists female circumcision is Sunnah and wajib. He mentioned ahadith, but does not elaborate on the fact that they are 'weak' he also mentions any form of female circumcision is illegal in the UK, but then does not tell people to refrain from it in fact encourages it by repeatedly saying its Sunnah. This is highly irresponsible.
Most of all at the end of the video he admits he hasn't done all his research and cannot discuss the degrees of female circumcision or some of its alleged 'benefits'. This makes the video a farce.
I used to respect this scholar for his pro-voting/political participation stance but now this and his alleged statement “a man should not be questioned why he hit his wife, because this is something between them" has left me so depressed. It seems more and more men in our community are enemies of our women and advocates of patriarchy.
I would urge everyone to read this excellent article from my brothers and sisters at the Asharis Assemble blog. It is by far best resource/explanation about female circumcision/FGM from an Islamic perspective I have ever come across. As is the video posted at the top.
I hope other scholars and community leaders try to educate Shaikh Haitham or at least convince him to be more responsible and compassionate. He has done our community a lot of harm.
No man has the right to mutilate a woman, and to use our faith as justification is a grave sin and error. A woman is more than capable of thinking and acting for herself. I worry that Haitham Al-Haddad has many followers and they will be swayed to hurt their daughters.
Indeed he is undoing the good work of activist such as Fahma Mohamed.
Muslim Scholars,
Friday, 21 February 2014
Thursday, 20 February 2014
I am a Catholic. My Church teaches me to esteem our Muslim friends and to work with them in the cause of promoting justice and moral values. I am happy to stand with them in defense of what is right and good. And so I stand with the young woman in the above video in defense of modesty, chastity, and piety, just as I stand with Muslims like my dear friends Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Dr. Suzy Ismail against the killing of unborn children and the evil of pornography, and with my equally dear friend Asma Uddin of the Becket Fund in defense of religious freedom. In the great document Nostra Aetate, we Catholics are taught the following by the fathers of the Second Vatican Council:
The Church has also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship God,
who is one, living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, the Creator of
heaven and earth, who has also spoken to men. They strive to submit
themselves without reserve to the decrees of God, just as Abraham
submitted himself to God’s plan, to whose faith Muslims link their own.
Although not acknowledging Jesus as God, they revere him as a prophet;
his virgin Mother they also honor, and even at times devoutly invoke.
Further, they await the Day of Judgment and the reward of God following
the resurrection of the dead. For this reason they highly esteem an
upright life and worship God, especially by way of prayer, almsgiving,
and fasting.
Over the centuries many quarrels and dissensions have arisen between Christians and Muslims. The sacred Council now pleads with all to forget the past, and urges that a sincere effort be made to achieve mutual understanding; for the benefit of all men, let them together preserve and promote peace, liberty, social justice and moral values.
Over the centuries many quarrels and dissensions have arisen between Christians and Muslims. The sacred Council now pleads with all to forget the past, and urges that a sincere effort be made to achieve mutual understanding; for the benefit of all men, let them together preserve and promote peace, liberty, social justice and moral values.
Through the great work being done by my friend Jennifer Bryson—who is a devout Christian and a great American patriot who spent two years as an interrogator at Guantanamo—I have met hundreds of religiously observant Muslims over the past several years and many are now my close friends. They are among the finest people I know. Like faithful Christians and Jews, they seek to honor God and do His will. They work, as we do, to inculcate in their children the virtues of honesty, integrity, self-respect and respect for others, hard work, courage, modesty, chastity, and self-control. They do not want to send their sons off to wars. They do not want their children to be suicide bombers. They do not want to impose Islam on those who do not freely embrace it. They thank God for the freedom they enjoy in the United States and they are well aware of its absence in the homelands of many of those who are immigrants. It is not right for us to make them feel unwelcome or to suggest that their faith disables them from being loyal Americans. It is unjust to stir up fear that they seek to take away our rights or to make them afraid that we seek to take away theirs. And it is foolish to drive them into the arms of the political left when their piety and moral convictions make them natural allies of social conservatives. (A majority of American Muslims voted for George W. Bush in the 2000 election. A majority of the general voting population did not.)
I admire Muslim women and all women who practice the virtue of modesty, whether they choose to cover their hair or not. There are many ways to honor modesty and practices vary culturally in perfectly legitimate ways. Men and women are called to serve each other in various ways, and women who refuse to pornify themselves, especially in the face of strong cultural pressures and incentives to do so, honor themselves and others of their sex while also honoring those of us of the opposite sex. They uphold their own dignity and the dignity of their fellow human beings, male and female alike.
I have no doubt that in certain cultures, including some Muslim cultures, the covering of women is taken to an extreme and reflects a very real subjugation, just as in sectors of western culture, the objectification of women (including the sexualization of children at younger and younger ages) by cultural pressures to pornify reflects a very real (though less direct and obvious) subjugation. But, of course, we are in the happy position of not having to choose between the ideology of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and that of Hugh Hefner.
Of course, defenders of pornification claim that they are “liberating women” and “celebrating female beauty.” The liberation claim is the very reverse of the truth. As for “celebrating female beauty,” let me ask you this: Is there an actress in all of Hollywood who when appearing at one of these absurd awards shows dressed in a see-through gown, bra-less and wearing a thong, can compare with the beautiful young Muslim woman in the video I posted? I submit that there is none. Oh, yes, to be sure, the actress will appeal to something in her male viewers. (I’m a man.Take it from me.) But it will not be their sense or appreciation of beauty. It will be something much lower and brutely appetitive. Their experience will be one in which who she actually is as a person is utterly submerged. The men viewing her will not be drawn in to wonder about her thoughts and feelings, her experiences of joy and sorrow, her strengths and vulnerabilities—the things that actually make her the unique person she is. Their experience will, quite literally, be an experience of de-personalized desire—the very definition of lust.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Atheism in Egypt: The challenges facing non-believers?
This is what happens when you shove self-righteous extremist/sexist crap down people's throats.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
The Prophet Muhammad
Years after Khadija
We all want love. We want the kind of love that, when our world falls apart, we can turn to that 'Khadija-esque' person who will hold us close to ease our mind and heart while we are going through times of despair. We want someone who will never give up on us; who will strive to see us succeed; and who will be willing to make sacrifices to see us happy. However, is what we want what we actually need? -
See more at:
Monday, 17 February 2014
Harvard recognises Quranic verse as one of the greatest expressions of justice
Harvard Law School, one of the most prestigious institutions of its kind in the world, has posted a verse of the Holy Quraan at the entrance of its faculty library, describing the verse as one of the greatest expressions of justice in history.
Verse 135 of Surah Al Nisa (The Women) has been posted at a wall facing the faculty’s main entrance, dedicated to the best phrases articulating justice:
“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah , even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted”
According to a Saudi daily, a Saudi student who studies at Harvard first highlighted the development when he published a picture of the display on his Twitter page.
“I noticed that the verse was posted by the faculty of law, which described it as one of the greatest expressions for justice in history,” Abdullah Jumma said.
Established in 1817, Harvard is the oldest continually-operating law school in the United States and is home to the largest academic law library in the world. Among its alumni is US President Barack Obama and a host of influential journalists, writers, media and business leaders and even professional athletes.
According to its official website, The Words of Justice exhibition is a testimony of the endurance of humanity’s yearning for fairness and dignity through law. “The words on these walls affirm the power and irrepressibility of the idea of justice.”
There are approximately two dozen quotations on display in the art installation created by the Law School. The three most prominently displayed at the entrance of the art installation, are quotes from St. Augustine, the Holy Quraan and the Magna Carta. According to the Harvard Law School these quotations illustrate the universality of the concept of justice throughout time and cultures.
Quotations were selected from a pool of over 150 contributions from law school faculty, staff and students. Librarians at the Law School Library researched the historical context and authenticity of each quotation and developed a website to share this research with visitors to the art installation.
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Friday, 14 February 2014
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
How NGOs helped change Moroccan law on rapists marrying their victims
In parts of Morocco, particularly in rural areas, a girl or unmarried woman who is not a virgin, even if she lost her virginity through rape, is seen as bringing dishonour to her family. Marrying the rapist is thought to alleviate this stigma.
Another horrific consequence of this law was that if a man wanted to wed a woman who was unwilling to be his bride, by raping her he could, in effect, force her into marriage. It took the tragic case of Amina Filali, 16, who was forced into marriage after she was raped, and who killed herself seven months into wedlock, to be the catalyst for action. Her plight caused such outrage across the country it triggered protests in several cities. Last August, several women's rights groups joined forces to tackle child marriage. We organised a so-called peace and white march – "peace" because our protest was non-violent; "white" to represent the colour of doctors' coats.
Our aim was to show how rape and forced and child marriage had a negative impact on women's health. A pair of doctors who work in our clinics joined us on the rally. We waved placards, but fell silent as we marched on the parliament building in the Moroccan capital, Rabat. Many women suffer in silence and we wanted our demonstration to emphasise that. The peace and white march was followed with a pink march – to symbolise women's rights. Each demonstration increased public interest. Victory came last month, in January, when we discovered that the law had been changed, though the clause relating to child marriage has been postponed for further consultation. Source
Monday, 10 February 2014
Female genital mutilation: I watched my sister die in childbirth – video
Real men control themselves not the women they should love and protect.
Saturday, 8 February 2014
Friday, 7 February 2014
Thursday, 6 February 2014
The compassion of the Prophet towards those who abused him
Prophet Muhammad started the message of Islam in Arabia at a time when human rights had no meaning, might was right and the society was entrenched in paganism. In this environment Prophet Muhammad
taught a message of justice, peace, human rights, animal rights and even environmental rights as ordained by God, the One True Creator of all that is in the universe.
God has shown us in the character of Prophet Muhammad
the model of a companionate person. He treated every one, friends and foe, man and woman, young and old, with kindness and respect.
Even when the pagan Arabs reacted to the message of the Prophet with extreme hatred he showed love and kindness.
The following examples from the life of the Prophet show us how we should react when faced with hatred.
We can see one of the most patient and tolerant aspects of the Prophet's character in the incident of an old woman who made a habit of throwing trash in the way of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
whenever he passed by her house.
The story related about this incident, mentions a neighbor of the Prophet that tried her best to irritate him by throwing garbage in his way every day. One day, when he walked out of his home there was no garbage. This made the Prophet inquire about the old woman and he came to know that she was sick. The Prophet went to visit her and offer any assistance she might need. The old woman was extremely humbled and at the same time ashamed of her actions in light of the concern that the Prophet showed her.
By seeing the example of compassion of Prophet Muhammad
, she became convinced that Islam must be a true religion that the Prophet was preaching. 1
Another incident that is reported from the life of the Prophet is when the Prophet traveled to a neighboring town of Taif.
In Taif he thought he might find people who might be respectable to the message of Almighty God. The people of Taif turned out to be as hateful as the people of Makkah. The elders of the town planned an organized campaign to ridicule the Prophet. To escalate their disapproval of the Prophet and prevent him from preaching Islam, they set a group of children and vagabonds behind him. They pestered him and threw stones at him. Tired, forsaken and wounded, he sought refuge in a nearby garden. It belonged to Atabah and Shaibah, two wealthy chiefs of Quraish.
They were both there when Prophet Muhammad
entered and sat under a distant tree. The Prophet raised his face towards heaven and prayed: "O Almighty! I raise unto you my complaint for my weakness, my helplessness, and for the ridicule to which I have been subjected. O Merciful! You are the Master of all oppressed people, You are my God! So to whom would You consign me? To the strangers who would ill-treat me, or to the enemies who have an upper hand over me? If whatever has befallen me is not because of Your wrath, then I fear not. No doubt, the field of Your security and care is wide enough for me. I seek refuge in Your light which illuminates darkness and straightens the affairs of this world and hereafter, that Your displeasure and wrath may not descend upon me. For the sake of Your pleasure, I remain pleased and resigned to my fate. No change in this world occurs without Your Will."
Atabah and Shaibah were watching. They sent for their servant named Adaas and gave him a plate full of grapes. "Take this to that man under the tree," they ordered. So he brought the grapes to Prophet Muhammad
As the Prophet
picked the grapes he said: "Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim" (In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate). Adaas had never heard this before. He was impressed by it, because the Prophet was invoking mercy and compassion of Almighty in spite of all the hardship he was subjected to.
"Who are you?" Adaas asked. Muhammad
replied, "I am the Prophet of God. Where do you come from?"
The servant said: "I am Adaas, a Christian. I come from Nainava."
"Nainava? You come from a place where my brother Yunus bin Mati (Jonah son of Mati) lived," the Prophet
Adaas was surprised to hear the name.
"What do you know of Yunus? Here no one seems to know him. Even in Nainava there were hardly ten people who knew his father's name."
The Prophet
said: "Yes, I know him because just like me, he was a Prophet of Almighty God."
Adaas fell on his knees before the Prophet
, kissed his hand and embraced him.
It is further reported that after the Prophet took refuge from the stone throwing mob, Angel Jibrael came to the Prophet and asked him if he so wished Jibrael would give the command to bury the city between two mountains. Although the prophet
had suffered a great deal at the hands of these people, he replied that he did not wish destruction for the people of Taif because maybe their offspring would proclaim the religion of truth. 2
The Islamic scholar Imam Ghazali (1058 - 1111 C.E.) summarizes the information he collected in the hadith regarding our Prophet's compassionate attitude to all those around him as follows:
"He was far from knowing anger and quickly showed compassion for things. He was the most loving of men toward other people. He was the most auspicious of men and did the most good to others, and the most useful and beneficial to others." 3
The Quran says that Prophet was sent as mercy to humankind. If we are to honor the Prophet
, it will be by adopting the sublime character of our Prophet and not through the emotions of anger and hate.
1. Abdul Wahid Hamid, (2004) Islam the Natural Way. UK: Muslim Education and Literary Services.
2. Al-Bukhari and Muslim
3. (Imam Ghazali, Ihya'u Ulumiddin, Vol. 2)
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Siblings jailed for attempt to kidnap sister's girlfriend
Six siblings from a "traditional Asian Muslim family" in Lancashire have been jailed after attempting to kidnap the white girlfriend of one of their sisters, threatening to kill her because she had "messed with the wrong Muslims".
Sentencing them to between three-and-a-half and six years in prison, the judge said they had been motivated by religious and racial hatred as well as disapproval of their sister's sexuality.
"This case is about power and control," Judge Graham Knowles, QC, told the family at Preston crown court on Friday. "It's about striking terror into the heart, in order to control not just the body but also the will."
Almost three years ago Nazma Ditta, one of nine children from Blackburn, began a secret relationship with Sarah Harrison when both women worked at a clothes shop in Blackburn, Preston crown court heard.
Unhappy that Nazma, now 28, was in a same sex relationship – and with a white non-Muslim woman – six of Nazma's siblings plotted to break up the relationship. They claimed a teacher at a mosque had told them to "take action now or it might be too late" and had given permission "to be violent", the court heard.
The family wanted Nazma to enter into an arranged marriage with a cousin or another man, and discussed putting her on a plane to Pakistan, the judge noted. They concocted the plot via the online text messaging service WhatsApp, referring to it as "our mission as a family".
Three of Nazma's sisters, one wearing a full face veil, were caught on CCTV kicking and punching Harrison, 35, after she finished work at USC Clothing in Blackburn town centre on 20 June last year.
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