Wednesday 31 May 2023

The History Of Al-Khawarij

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, warned his followers of a group of people who would arise after his death. The Prophet mentioned their arrival and characteristics no less than 10 times. Among the characteristics he mentioned were: They would worship so much that “you shall consider your worship and your prayer and your recitation of the Qur’an to be nothing compared to theirs.” Meaning, their outward actions, like praying and reciting the Qur’an, would be on overdrive. And yet, “They shall recite the Qur’an but it will not leave their throats.” Meaning that their understanding of the Qur’an will not go any farther than their recitation, and they will not have religious knowledge or insight. 

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Virtues of Caring for Neighbors in Islam


Islam places great emphasis on fostering harmonious relationships within society, and one of the fundamental teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is to look after our neighbors. The hadith literature contains numerous teachings that highlight the significance of treating neighbors with kindness, respect, and care. In this blog post, we will explore some of the remarkable hadiths that emphasize the virtues of looking after our neighbors.

Hadith 1: The Believer and His Neighbors
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "He is not a believer who eats his fill while his neighbor beside him goes hungry" (Bukhari and Muslim). This hadith beautifully encapsulates the essence of Islamic teachings regarding the rights and responsibilities we have towards our neighbors. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring that our neighbors are not in need or distress while we enjoy our blessings.

Hadith 2: The Angelic Testimony
In another hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated: "Gabriel kept on recommending me about treating the neighbors kindly and politely, so much so that I thought that he would order me to make them as my heirs" (Bukhari and Muslim). This narration reveals the significance of treating our neighbors with utmost kindness and respect. The angel Gabriel's constant reminders emphasize the magnitude of this virtuous act.

Hadith 3: The Right of the Neighbor
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Jibril continued to counsel me regarding the neighbor until I thought that he would inherit from him" (Muslim). This hadith underscores the importance of fulfilling the rights of our neighbors. It encourages Muslims to extend their assistance and support to their neighbors, making them feel secure and valued members of the community.

Hadith 4: The Scope of Neighbors
The Prophet (peace be upon him) defined the extent of neighbors in a hadith, stating: "Your neighbor is seventy houses ahead and seventy houses behind, seventy houses to your right and seventy houses to your left" (Ahmad). This narration broadens the definition of a neighbor, encompassing a considerable range of households surrounding us. It implies that we have a duty to care for and establish good relations with those in our immediate vicinity.

Hadith 5: The Neighbors' Rights
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him not harm his neighbor" (Bukhari). This hadith beautifully encapsulates the essence of the Islamic teachings regarding the treatment of neighbors. It reminds us that our faith is incomplete if we cause harm or inconvenience to our neighbors. Instead, we are encouraged to treat them with kindness, consideration, and empathy.

The teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasize the importance of caring for our neighbors, ensuring their well-being, and promoting harmonious relationships within our communities. These hadiths highlight the virtues of treating our neighbors with kindness, respect, and support. By following the Prophet's example, we can foster a sense of unity, compassion, and neighborly love. Let us strive to implement these teachings in our lives, making our neighborhoods a source of harmony, cooperation, and blessings.

Monday 29 May 2023

Exposing Britain's Honour Killings - Nina Aouilk Tells Her Story

How can any father do that to this daughter 💔. The powerful Nina Aouilk podcast live on James English YouTube channel


Friday 26 May 2023



We are IMMY AND TANI- A full time travel family. Today was difficult day for us to share in our Pakistan To Saudi Arabia series. We explore the cities of Hebron and Bethlehem with you all and what we witnessed was extremely sad and unbearable.

Thursday 25 May 2023

Juwayriya bint al-Harith (ra): A Blessing to Her People

She was a distinguished woman due to her lineage, beauty, and nobility before Islam. But our mother would go on to be distinguished by a specific form of worship. She was a blessing to her people through her marriage to the Prophet ﷺ and an example for our Ummah.

Wednesday 24 May 2023

How Millions Are Trapped In Modern-Day Slavery At Brick Kilns In Pakistan

Entire families in Pakistan work dangerous jobs at brick kilns to pay off snowballing debts to kiln owners. Workers don't have bank accounts and make so little they have to keep borrowing just to get by.

Friday 19 May 2023

To sisters who have recently been divorced..........


To sisters who have recently been divorced/gotten a khula just wanted to share a reminder that the majority of the wives of the Prophet صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ save Aisha رضي الله عنه were PREVIOUSLY DIVORCED/WIDOWED.

Zaynab bint Khuzayma
Safiyya bint Huyayy
Zaynab bint Jahsh
Umm Habiba
Juwayriya bint al-Harith
(May Allah have mercy on them all)

Our society solely focuses on the act of marriage. Yes, Marriage is ibadah but DIVORCE WITH IHSAAN IS ALSO IBADAH.
If you got married but later found out that your marriage or your spouse produced fitnah, produced abuse and produced sins, then you are better off without each other.
You did what was right for you, for your children and for your eeman all within shariah and obedience to Allah.
Please don't expect the society or community or even loved ones to understand the decision you made through pain, through struggle, through sleepless nights and tears of blood. Please don't let others, their opinions and assumptions rob you of your peace of mind and healing.
My dear sister please don't be naive, people are going to talk about you and conclude their own stories about your divorce and why your marriage failed. People talk. Your job is NOT to correct their gossip or offer explanations.

You will lose friends.
You will lose family.
But Allah will replace with better people and better opportunities always.
❝And surely what comes after is better for you than that which has gone before.❞
{Surah Ad Duha 93: Verse 4}
Your focus should be on co-parenting in healthy way.
Your focus should be helping your children unlearn the unhealthy example of marriage they saw.
Your focus should be on building the new.
This is your new life. Accept it and move forward in faith and tawakkul. Divorce is not the end of the world, it's just a page in your book on your journey of life.
🤲 May Allah make things easy for you all, grant you healing and bless you with the best always - Allahumma ameen. 

Make divorce an option after exploring other alternatives fully:
1. Counselling/Therapy
2. Temporary Separation
3.  Prayers and learning what marriage is Islamically.
4. If possible a second chance and time frame to change behaviours, addictions and harmful patterns.
5. Counsel with wise people without any bias towards either of you.

From Ideal Muslimah

Thursday 18 May 2023

Lost In distractions - Nouman Ali Khan


Ustadh Nouman delves into the wisdom behind the Quran's prohibition of addictive behaviors, and highlights how such addictions can lead to spiritual, emotional, and physical harm, ultimately distancing us from our faith.


Wednesday 17 May 2023

AI and ChatGPT: Spiritual Resilience and Ethics | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman


With the advent of AI and ChatGPT, how do Muslims approach convenience and rapid technological innovation with the proper spiritual resilience and framework needed to thrive?

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Yaqoob عليه السلام call for Allah’s help

Over the years, I developed a habit of subconsciously reciting واللہ المستعان whenever I faced something that disturbed my peace. But I was never aware of the background story of such powerful word until only recently when I heard about it in a lecture by on Surah Yousuf. 

The word, Wallahul Musta’aan, as mentioned in the Quran, was said by Yaqoob عليه السلام when his sons came up with a false story of what happened to Yousuf عليه السلام. Yaqoob  tried his best to find the truth but his sons teamed up to defend their heinous act and lies. Tired of the situation, Yaqoob asked Allah for Sabrun Jameel (beautiful patience) followed by Wallahul Mustaa’an. 

According to the commentators of the Quran, Wallahul Musta’an is used to call for Allah’s help when you find yourself in impossible situations, when people team up against you to defend their lies, when people accuse you of something false, when you have given your best and desperately waiting for desired results, when you feel you’re in a situation where there’s no way out. It’s literally saying to Allah that I have given my best and now I am taking a backseat, I want You to take charge of the driving seat and solve this matter with your Divine intervention. 

And patience automatically becomes beautiful when with all your heart, mind, and soul you leave the matter on Allah.
Sharing it with you all because I thought it might brighten someone’s day. Don’t worry if the situation seems impossible, remember you’re asking the One who just have to say ‘Kun’ and it is.
You are asking the One who calls Himself, Al-Fattah. Who creates a way out when there seems to be no way. So take a backseat and let Allah do the rest.
Wallahul Musta'an - “Allah is the one sought for help”  

From Ideal Muslimah

Monday 15 May 2023

Shams al-Ma'arif - The Most Dangerous Book in the World?


Shams al-Maarif  - The Sun of Knowledge - was originally written by a 13th-century Algerian Sufi scholar, Ahmad al-Buni, and has been controversial in the Middle East for centuries due to instructing readers on how to create talismans using the names of God and other occult practices, such as numerology. There are charms and amulets for needs as varied as growing crops, increasing wealth, and finding true love.

Al-Buni also suggests ways to make contact with jinn and other supernatural beings - a decision that left him open to charges of sorcery from other Muslims.

Friday 12 May 2023

What do you "gain" from praying to Almighty Allah regularly?


Rumi was once asked:
What do you "gain" from praying to Almighty Allah regularly?
He replied: Usually "I don't gain anything", but rather "I lose certain things".
And he quoted everything he lost praying to Allah Almighty regularly:
1 - I lost my pride
2 - I lost my arrogance
3 - I lost my anger
4 - I lost stress
5 - I lost greed
6 - I lost the pleasure of lying
7 - I lost the taste of sin
8 - I lost impatience
9 - I lost despair and discouragement