I was very moved by this and I have heard comments like this in the past from unpleasant men :(.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
7 Cowardly Words From A Totally Sexist Stranger Sparked This Courageous Response
I was very moved by this and I have heard comments like this in the past from unpleasant men :(.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
InshaAllah this evil man will die in prison, shunned by his entire community. Also the daughter must have known what what was going on she should have been punished accordingly.
A pensioner who repeatedly raped a deaf and mute girl he had trafficked into the UK to work as his domestic servant has been jailed for 13 years.
Ilyas Ashar, 84, brought the girl to the UK from Pakistan in June 2000 when she was aged around 10. She was beaten and forced to sleep and work in the cellar of Ashar's five-bed family home in Eccles, Greater Manchester.
Their victim, who had no family or friends in the UK and had never been to school in Pakistan or Britain, was taught by the Ashars to sign her name so they could steal more than £30,000 in benefits. She was made to work for the Ashars for almost a decade.
The girl was sexually abused from pre-puberty, Minshull Street crown court in Manchester heard. Ashar would routinely rape the girl in the cellar and other houses the family owned while she tried to fight him off.
Ashar was convicted by a jury last week of 13 specimen counts of rape, though the court heard that the abuse happened "many, many times more". He was convicted at an earlier trial of two counts of trafficking a person into the UK for exploitation, two counts of furnishing false information to obtain a benefit and one of permitting furnishing of false information to obtain a benefit.
His wife, Tallat Ashar, 68, was jailed for five years for two counts of trafficking a person into the UK for exploitation and four counts of furnishing false information to obtain a benefit.
Their daughter, Faaiza Ashar, 46, who was found guilty at an earlier trial of two counts of furnishing false information to obtain a benefit and one count of permitting furnishing of false information to obtain a benefit, was given a 12-month community order with 300 hours of unpaid work.
Passing sentence, the judge Peter Lakin said: "You Ilyas Ashar and you Tallat Ashar did not treat this girl as a human being. To you she was merely an object to be used, abused and cast aside at will.
"You took full advantage of her extreme vulnerability. You exploited her physically, you exploited her mentally and you exploited her economically. There was throughout a distasteful undercurrent of violence and intimidation.
"All that she had in her life was the love of her family and her own human dignity. You two took that away from her. You consigned her to a life of misery and degradation."
He added: "Throughout these proceedings not one of you have shown any remorse. You are concerned with your own selfish, self-centred interests. You Ilyas and Tallat Ashar are deeply unpleasant, highly manipulative and dishonest people."
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Monday, 28 October 2013
Former Anti-Islam Film-Maker, Arnoud Van Doorn, Peforms Hajj After Becoming Muslim
A Dutch politician who once helped produce a film depicting Islam as evil and extreme has performed the Hajj after declaring his conversion to the religion earlier this year.Arnoud van Doorn has said he bitterly regrets his actions and wants to make amends by producing a film showing Islam in a positive light.While on the Hajj, he told the Saudi Gazette: "I found myself among these faithful hearts. I hope that my tears of regret will wash out all my sins after my repentance."I felt ashamed standing in front of the Prophet’s grave. I thought of the grave mistake which I had made by producing that sacrilegious film. I hope that Allah will forgive me and accept my repentance."Van Doorn used to be a leading member of the Party for Freedom in Netherlands, headed by the notorious Geert Wilders.
This is nothing short of a miracle! SubhanAllah!
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Monday, 21 October 2013
Rihanna in another outrage: And this time she's fully clothed.... at UAE's Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
She’s used to causing controversy with her racy music videos, but even dressed head-to-toe in a hooded black jumpsuit Rihanna has managed to provoke outrage.
The 25-year-old "Diamonds" singer posted images on her Instagram account showing her posing at the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in UAE, where she is currently on tour.
Despite a very conscious effort to tone down her usual attention-grabbing-garb, she is seen sporting crimson lipstick and wearing dark red fingernails while adopting a series of trademark sultry, pouting poses that some have deemed "disrespectful" for a place of worship. Her followers on Twitter couldn't decide whether to condemn the pictures or enjoy them.
“Rihanna may look gorgeous and all but she’s covering her head out of fashion not out of respect for the mosque,” wrote one user.
Another person responded to the images writing: “I don’t see how Rihanna posing adjacent to a mosque in Abu Dhabi is disrespectful.
"If anything she’s showing respect by supporting the hijab.”
I'm not outraged in the least I think she showed respect by wearing hijab at a mosque and her poses were not sexual. She looks really classy and I think she has shown women look chic in hijab not ugly like so many anti-hijab people claim. I also think women shouldn't have to listen to anything men say about hijab. They can think and choose for themselves inshaAllah.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Why would anyone believe in the "Islamophobia industry"?
The Harlow Islamic Centre in Essex is an unassuming building. A former community centre, set back from the main road, it has seen various incidents of vandalism over the years; youngsters misbehaving, nothing out of the ordinary. That all changed on Sunday 25 August, when three young men visited the mosque in the middle of the night, prised open the shuttered doors and windows to spray insulation foam underneath, and set it alight. Only minor damage was caused, but there were no two ways about it: this was pre-meditated.
“It was a racist attack,” says Ajaib Hussain, chair of the centre. “They came to target the mosque.” Three young men have since been charged. The damage was reparable, but the impact of the incident can still be felt. Extra security cameras have been installed at the centre, and regular police patrols started. “Our community was shocked, sad, and afraid that it would happen again,” says Hussein. “But we are resilient. The support from Muslims and non-Muslims in Harlow after the attack has been overwhelming.”
What happened in Harlow was by no means unique. On 5 June, a mosque and Somali community centre in Muswell Hill, north London, was burnt to the ground by arsonists. On 18 June, the Masjid-e-Noor in Gloucester was set alight. On 23 May, the windows at Maidenhead’s mosque were broken. The list goes on.
Since the brutal murder of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich on 22 May, 30 mosques in the UK have been attacked. In the five weeks immediately following the attack, the monitoring organisation Tell Mama reported a further 250 anti-Muslim incidents against individuals.
This spike in incidents, coupled with the on-going political controversy over the niqab (face veil), has meant that the term “Islamophobia” has been hotly debated. High profile names such as the atheist Richard Dawkins have said that racism against a religion cannot exist (“It is not a race… Islam is a religion and you can choose to leave it or join it”). In June, journalist Andrew Gilligan wrote an article claiming that anti-Muslim hate crime was being exaggerated by “the Islamophobia industry”.
So what exactly is Islamophobia, and how useful is the term? The Runnymede Trust’s Commission on British Muslims gives eight components. These include seeing Islam as a monolithic bloc that is static and unresponsive to change; seeing it as the “other”, with no values in common with other cultures and inferior to the west; seeing Islam and Muslims as violent, primitive, and supportive of terrorism; seeing it as a political ideology; using hostility to Islam to justify discrimination against and exclusion of Muslims; and seeing such hostility towards individual Muslims as natural or normal. The definition was written back in 1997, and remains broadly in use today, used by organisations such as the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia.
The Commission on British Muslims was set up in the mould of a similar group focusing on British Jews, formed in 1992. The aim was to take anti-Muslim prejudice as seriously as anti-Semitism, and to establish active policy steps to tackle it. Against this backdrop, arguing that one can’t be racist against a religion seems irrelevant.
Fiyaz Mughal is the director of Faith Matters, an organisation set up to promote inter-faith dialogue that also runs the Tell Mama project. Launched 18 months ago with funding from the Department for Communities and Local Government, this project is mapping and reporting incidents of anti-Muslim hate crime.
When we speak on the phone, he tells me that it is difficult to say whether there has been a general rise in Islamophobic incidents over the last few years because monitoring started relatively recently. The Metropolitan police force is currently the only one in the UK to keep a separate record of anti-Muslim crimes. Tell Mama receives about eight reports every single day (compared with around two or three when they launched in 2011).
“It’s very clear that a high number of incidents are taking place against Muslims in general,” says Mughal. “National or international incidents – like Woolwich – really spike the number of instances that get reported. This effect is cumulative over time. Post-Woolwich, the base line of incidents has not gone back down to what it was. Base line has reset itself to another level. That’s the concerning bit.”
The range of incidents recorded by Tell Mama and other monitoring groups range widely: from attacks on mosques, to violence against individuals, to verbal abuse, to online hatred. When Gilligan took issue with reports that anti-Muslim hate is on the rise, his main points were that many of the incidents were online only, and that others – such as hijab snatching – were “non-serious”.
“The police response to the online world is simply unacceptable,” says Mughal. “We are not talking about minor cases. In one incident, a man had knives on his Twitter picture, and suggested he wanted to go out and ‘slash Muslims’. The police did nothing. There is a laissez-faire approach to online abuse. The Crown Prosecution Service does not enforce and review the law consistently, due to the changing nature of what is happening. Not is there the political momentum behind fighting anti-Muslim prejudice.” It is worth noting that concerns about how online abuse is policed are not unique to anti-Muslim hate.
While arson attacks and petrol bombs at mosques are at the most extreme end of the spectrum, smaller incidents still create an atmosphere of fear and distress. “When I speak to people up north, they say that if there is something negative in their local press about Muslims, in the next few weeks there’ll be an attack or something happening in the street,” says Akeela Ahmed, a member of the government’s working group on Islamophobia. “Sometimes these things are at a low level – flour thrown at the mosque, or graffiti. I don’t think it was until Woolwich that people at a national level took notice.”
Around 70 per cent of incidents reported to Tell Mama involve women wearing headscarves: a visual marker of their religion. Equivalent monitoring groups in France and other European countries note the same trend.
Amina Malik is a 20 year old medical student who lives in London. She has worn a headscarf since she was 13, but has never experienced many problems – until mid-September. On 16 September, a judge ruled that a woman had to remove her niqab (full face veil) in court. This restarted a heated debate about whether such coverings have a place in a liberal society and whether a more far-reaching ban should be introduced. “I don’t cover my face, only my hair, but I felt uncomfortable seeing negative headlines about Muslims and Muslim women on the front pages every single day for a week,” says Malik.
On 20 September, as she was travelling to her home in west London, she sat in front of two men on the bus. “They were having a loud conversation about how Muslims shouldn’t be in this country if they wouldn’t live by British values. I felt edgy but I didn’t say anything and tried not to draw attention to myself.” The two men got off the bus at the same stop as her. “I didn’t think anything of it and tried to walk faster. One of them shouted ‘fucking Paki’ and I realised he was talking to me. They caught up with me and pulled off my headscarf from the back. I was so shaken that I just ran all the way home. I didn’t even stop to look at them.”
She did not report the crime. “There is a massive loss of confidence among Muslim communities,” says Mughal. Campaigners say that the police response to incidents against individuals falls far short, although at the most extreme end of the spectrum – where acts of terrorism are carried out against Muslims – it is far more efficient.
On 23 June, a group of worshippers arrived at the Aisha Mosque in Walsall to attend Friday prayers. They heard a loud bang, and thought that someone’s car engine may have exploded. One of the men looked underneath his car but didn’t see anything; they thought nothing of it. It was the next day that one of the men, back at the mosque, noticed a rucksack, and next to it, a device with wires attached to it. The imam called the police, who confirmed that it was an improvised bomb.
Pavlo Lapshyn, a 25 year old Ukrainian man, has subsequently been charged with planting the bomb at the Walsall mosque, as well as placing similar devices in Tipton and Wolverhampton. He was also charged with the murder of Mohamed Saleem, a 75 year old grandfather who was stabbed in Birmingham just weeks before the Woolwich attack
Zia ul-Haq, a representative of the mosque, is philosophical. “There was no damage, no people were hurt. This sort of thing has never happened before in our mosque. The community was concerned there could be a repeat, but we told them to be calm, vigilant, and watchful. Don’t overreact, and don’t point the finger towards any group or party. We don’t want to look at everyone suspiciously and have kept our open door policy at the mosque.”
However, just like the mosque at Harlow, extra security measures – such as an upgrade in the CCTV system – have been introduced.
“These incidents can cause polarisation,” says Ahmed. “At a local level – which is where these things play out – communities can be divided.”
The Walsall mosque chose not to point fingers, but the incident was not without repercussions. “After the attacks in Tipton and Walsall, there were people in Birmingham talking about the need for Muslims to defend themselves, to ‘man up’, to learn self-defence,” says Ahmed. “In addition to this very obvious, divisive impact of such attacks, there is a psychological impact on Muslim communities. Anxiety is increased. Every time there is an attack at a national level, like Woolwich, people automatically think ‘I hope it’s not a Muslim’. When you find out it is someone who calls themselves a Muslim, people – especially women – are wary about the repercussions. It does affect people’s confidence.”
Sunny Hasan is a 41 year old civil servant from Sheffield. She contrasts the simple racism of her childhood, when the refrain “Paki go home” was commonly heard, to more insidious forms today. “After 9/11 happened, people began to say ‘it’s you Muslims who are fundamentally responsible for the ills in society right now’.”
Like many British Muslims, she resents being held responsible for incidents of Islamic terrorism. “It becomes boring. You become this repeat mantra of formulaic responses. There is this nonsensical approach – ‘forgive us, it’s our fault, all Muslims apologise’. Actually, I don’t apologise for the acts of people who I don’t identify as Muslims, who have said very inappropriately that they are doing this in the name of Allah.”
It is difficult to say whether a rise in reported anti-Muslim incidents is because of increased awareness of the crime, or because of an actual increase in attacks. Campaigners point to the influence of far-right groups such as the English Defence League (EDL) in worsening anti-Muslim sentiment. A recent study by Teeside University found that EDL supporters were involved in 70 per cent of cases of online Islamophobic incidents. Certainly, the group provides a ready-made, if misinformed, narrative about Islam, with cherry-picked quotes and factoids for supporters to repeat.
But perhaps the most worrying fact is how mainstream some of these views have become. Back in January, former Conservative Party co-chair Sayeeda Warsi warned that there was a "misinformed suspicion of people who follow Islam … perpetuated by certain sections of the media.” Two years before that, she warned that anti-Muslim prejudice had “passed the dinner table test” and become socially acceptable.
Ahmed echoes this view: “There are things you can say about Muslims and Islam which you would not say about other communities, and other faiths.” A look at a selection of headlines and quotes bears evidence to this. “A quarter of young British people ‘do not trust Muslims’” (BBC News); “The real Islamist threat to Britain comes from mass immigration and multiculturalism” (Daily Mail). Many statements such as these, routinely seen in the media, would fall foul of the Runnymede Trust’s eight-point definition of Islamophobia.
It is not just the media that is at fault. “Politicians play political football,” says Mughal. “It is quite easy to turn to xenophobia in a time of austerity. Politicians say that the problem with cohesion is that the Muslims are not doing it right, and deflect from the very tough questions raised by the economic crisis, like a lack of investment in housing stock and jobs.”
According to the latest figures, there are more than 2.7 million Muslims in the UK, making up around 4.6 per cent of the overall population. The majority are settled, integrated, and proud to be British. Attacks on mosques or individuals may be relatively rare, but this is by no means a fringe issue. “My question is, where does the state actually want Muslim communities to go with these matters?” says Mughal. “Tell Mama was set up with funding from DCLG – if the police are not responding to us, what the heck! Who are they going to respond to?” When an entire community is routinely scapegoated in a supposedly tolerant society, it should be a concern for everyone.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Friday, 11 October 2013
For those who could not make it to Hajj
The Pilgrimage to Makkah, is one of the essential elements of the Islamic faith. It is obligatory on all believers provided they have the financial capability and physical ability to endure the challenges of the pilgrimage.
According to Islamic tradition the Kaaba, a simple square cube structure in Makkah, was the first house of worship established to remind humanity of the One Supreme God. The structure was reconstructed by Prophet Abraham and his son Prophet Ishmael.
According to Islamic tradition the Kaaba, a simple square cube structure in Makkah, was the first house of worship established to remind humanity of the One Supreme God. The structure was reconstructed by Prophet Abraham and his son Prophet Ishmael.
And when We made the House (at Makkah) a destination for humankind and a sanctuary, (saying): Take as your place of worship the place where Abraham stood (to pray). And We imposed a duty upon Abraham and Ishmael, (saying): Purify My house for those who go around and those who meditate therein and those who bow down and prostrate themselves (in worship). Quran 2:125 |
The gathering of millions of faithful in Makkah during the days of annual pilgrimage, Hajj is a fulfillment of Prophet Abram's prayer.
And, lo, Abraham prayed: "O my Sustainer! Make this a land secure, and grant its people fruitful sustenance - such of them as believe in God and the Last Day." .. Quran 2:126 |
The Pilgrimage to Mecca is a sign of supreme significance. It was Prophet Abraham's unconditional commitment to God that led him to leave his wife Hagar and his infant son Ishmael in this desolated desert. Prophet Abraham was reward for his unwavering submission to God, by a promise from Him to make this uninviting land into a place of promise and plenty.
Muslims who visit Makkah for Hajj become part of God's promise to Prophet Abraham.
Like any other article of faith, the pilgrimage can become meaningless if it is regarded as an end in itself rather than a means for the attainment of a meaningful life.
The following story reminds us of the spirit of Hajj.
Muslims who visit Makkah for Hajj become part of God's promise to Prophet Abraham.
Like any other article of faith, the pilgrimage can become meaningless if it is regarded as an end in itself rather than a means for the attainment of a meaningful life.
The following story reminds us of the spirit of Hajj.
It is related that a noted Muslim scholar Abdullah bin Mubarak, had a dream while he was sleeping near the Kaaba.
Abdullah bin Mubarak saw two angels' descend from the sky, and start talking to each other.
One of the angels asked the other: "Do you know how many people have come for Hajj this year?"
The other angel replied: "Six hundred thousand have come for Hajj."
Abdullah bin Mubarak had also gone for Hajj that year.
The first angel asked: "How many people's Hajj has been accepted?"
The second replied: "I wonder if anyone's Hajj has been accepted at all."
Abdullah bin Mubarak was grieved to hear that. He thought, "So many people have come from all over the world, crossing so many obstacles like rivers, jungles, mountains, suffered so many hardships, and meeting so many expenses. Would their effort be wasted? Allah does not let anyone's effort go to waste".
Abdullah bin Mubarak saw two angels' descend from the sky, and start talking to each other.
One of the angels asked the other: "Do you know how many people have come for Hajj this year?"
The other angel replied: "Six hundred thousand have come for Hajj."
Abdullah bin Mubarak had also gone for Hajj that year.
The first angel asked: "How many people's Hajj has been accepted?"
The second replied: "I wonder if anyone's Hajj has been accepted at all."
Abdullah bin Mubarak was grieved to hear that. He thought, "So many people have come from all over the world, crossing so many obstacles like rivers, jungles, mountains, suffered so many hardships, and meeting so many expenses. Would their effort be wasted? Allah does not let anyone's effort go to waste".
He had thought only so far when he heard the other angel speak: "There is a cobbler in Damascus. His name is Ali bin al-Mufiq. He could not come for Hajj, but Allah
When Abdullah bin Mubarak woke up, he decided he would go to Damascus and meet that cobbler whose Hajj intentions carried such a lot of weight.
On reaching Damascus, Abdullah bin Mubarak inquired if anyone knew a cobbler named Ali bin al-Mufiq. The town people directed him to a house. When a man appeared from the house Abdullah bin Mubarak greeted him and asked his name. The man replied "Ali bin al-Mufiq".
Abdullah bin Mubarak asked: "What do you do for a living?"
Ali replied: "I am a cobbler". Then Ali asked the stranger's name that had come looking for him.
Abdullah bin Mubarak was a very well-known scholar of Islam, when Abdullah bin Mubarak introduced him self, the cobbler was anxious to find out why such a well known scholar was seeking him out.
When Abdullah bin Mubarak asked Ali to tell him if he had made any plans to go for Hajj. Ali replied "For thirty years I have lived in the hope of performing the Hajj. This year I had saved enough to go for Hajj, but Allah
Abdullah bin Mubarak was eager to find out how could this man's Hajj be accepted and blessed for all the people who went for Hajj that year when he didn't go for Hajj in the first place. While talking to the cobbler he could feel a certain purity in his heart. Islam regards greatness not in wealth or in power, but in civility, in good manners and the goodness of heart.
Abdullah bin Mubarak further asked: "why could you not go on Hajj?". In order not to disclose the reason, Ali again replied "it was Allah's will".
When Abdullah bin Mubarak persisted, Ali revealed: "Once I went to see my neighbor's house. His family was just sitting down for dinner. Although I was not hungry I thought my neighbor would invite me to sit down for dinner out of courtesy but I could see that my neighbor was grieved about something and wanted to avoid inviting me for dinner.
After some hesitation the neighbor told me: "I am sorry I cannot invite you for food. We were without food for three days and I could not bear to see the pain of hunger of my children. I went out looking for food today and found a dead donkey. In my desperation I cut out some meat from the dead animal, and brought it home so that my wife could cook this meat. It is halal (lawful or permitted) for us because of our extreme condition of hunger, but I cannot offer it to you."
Ali continued: "On hearing this, my heart bled with tears. I got up and went home, collected the three thousand dinars I had saved for Hajj, and gave my neighbor the money. I too had to go hungry but that was to save money for Hajj, but I thought helping my neighbor during his difficult times was more important. Although I still desire to go for Hajj if Allah wills."
Abdullah bin Mubarak was greatly inspired by the cobbler's story and told the cobbler of his dream.
God is merciful and shows mercy to those who do likewise to his creatures. This act of compassion on the part of the cobbler was so pleasing to God that it not only earned him the reward of Hajj but was extended to all the people who came for Hajj.
Hajj is a journey that can ignite the soul to be reminded of the time it was created and takes it beyond the dimensions of this life to the time it will meet the creator.
The sincere performance of Hajj can transcend a person's day to day life into a spiritual awakening of the highest magnitude. A successful Hajj experience connects us to our creator and the greater compassion of humanity.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Teenager on terror charges claimed to be in contact with EDL leader Stephen Lennon
What a lovely kid!!
The science teacher of a teenager accused of planning a repeat of the Columbine massacre told a court the boy asked him which gun he would prefer to be shot with. The 17-year-old, who can not be named for legal reasons, also asked for advice from the chemistry teacher about making explosives and told him he wanted to “blow up a mosque,” the Old Bailey heard.
The teacher, who can not be named, told the jury his former pupil looked at firearms on the internet while at school and referred to weapons used in the Columbine high school shootings in Colorado, in which 13 innocent people were killed. “He was encouraging me to look at the guns and make some sort of judgment about whether it was a good gun,” the teacher said. “He asked me which gun I would prefer to be shot with. The message – which I took as an empty threat at the time – was he was considering a shooting.”
The teacher told the court that the student would launch “tirades” against particular religions, aiming his abuse mainly at the Muslim and Jewish faiths, as well as targeting a pupil with German grandparents. ”There were many instances of defiance and instances of racial abuse,” he said. “Instances of racism, tirades – long, drawn out – which were frankly painful to listen to. He seemed to believe that people of the Muslim religion did not have a place in this country.”
The teacher added: “He was aware I’m a chemistry teacher. He also liked to ask about explosives which I did not get involved with because I do not want to be the one to teach someone how to commit an atrocity.”
The teenage neo-Nazi accused of plotting a “new Columbine” school massacre hoarded newspaper articles about mass murderers including Norwegian killer Anders Breivik, the Old Bailey heard.
The English Defence League supporter had reams of clippings about notorious atrocities across the world, including on the Northumbria gunman Raoul Moat. Among his stash of homemade Molotov cocktails by his bed, the teenager had an article titled: “Oslo monster: I am not mad” about Breivik and his 2011 killing spree which left 69 dead.
The boy, now 17, is accused of stockpiling weapons, explosives, and a crossbow in preparation for a planned a killing spree in April next year. He had a large Nazi Swastika flag hung on the wall in his bedroom, alongside a poster of Heath Ledger as the Joker, and also had a custom-made knife with a Swastika on the handle.
Prosecutor Max Hill QC showed jurors a selection of newspaper clipping found, including a report of a 16-year-old boy who planned a killing spree. ”You can see the level of interest in atrocities, both domestic and foreign’, he said. “There is gunman kills 17 in church outrage, gunman kills dad, lad, 16, in massacre of kids plot – the list goes on. You might find that quite chilling in the context of this case.”
The teenager is standing trial accused of plotting a terrorist attack on his former school and college, as well as targets including Loughborough University, council officers, and even a local cinema.
Jurors have seen Facebook chats with his two pals, in which he is accused of revealing his reasons for wanting to attack his former school in Loughborough, Leicestershire. ”The purpose of my op is revenge to take out as many scumbags as possible”, he wrote. “It needs to be done right. Won’t you have satisfaction when you hear the op has happened, knowing that you help wipe some scum off the earth?”
Mr Hill told the court: “We suggest this material, from the very mouths or keyboards of these young men themselves, gives him away. Young he may be, sometimes less than entirely coherent; but there are aspects of these Facebook chats which cannot be explained away as schoolyard banter.”
The boy, who cannot be named because of his age, is also accused of having the Mujahideen Poisons Handbook for preparation of terrorism, and possessing offensive weapons. He kept a notebook, emblazoned with the image of Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara, which contained his alleged terrorist plans and was covered in Nazi symbols and EDL slogans. Also among his Facebook conversations, he wrote: “I think I want to do it next April.”
The jury have already been shown amateur videos showing the teenager and his two friends, also unnamed, testing petrol bombs made out of wine bottles, white spirit and lighter spirit, and socks or rags as the fuse. He is shown telling the camera: “We are the United Revolutionary Army making Molotovs” where they tested the bombs, behind a leisure centre in Loughborough.
Mr Hill said the defendant said on Facebook he was going shopping in B&Q for parts for an improvised pipe bomb, and discussed stealing ping pong balls from school to convert into smoke grenades.
In one of the videos shown to jurors today, the teenager celebrates a successful petrol bomb test by saying: “Yeah baby, this is the URA and we have just done a petrol bomb. Yes you b******s, have that Muslims.” In another clip, he is seen spraying “No More Mosques” on a wall alongside “URA”, commenting: “URA or EDL, either one”.
In another, made on March 25 last year, the boy is with an accomplice brandishing the crossbow and appears to ape the Chris Morris terrorist satire Four Lions.
Mr Hill told jurors: “You will decide whether these young men are a laughing stock, a bunch of adolescent incompetents, or whether despite whatever obvious failings, they are aspiring to something more.”
He said scientific analysis of the parts for nine alleged bombs found in in the teenager’s bedroom match the plans hatched through Facebook. He added the analysis showed they were viable bombs capable of causing serious damage.
The teenager, who has Asperger’s Syndrome, denies possessing an article for a purpose connected with terrorism, possessing a document likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, and possessing parts for an improvised explosive. He has pleaded guilty to possessing an offensive weapon.
The would-be terrorist bragged to a fellow school pupil about making homemade bombs and claimed to be in contact with EDL leader Tommy Robinson, the court heard.
The 16-year-old made the claims while daubing EDL, BNP, and IRA on his school notebooks during remedial maths classes, it is said. He said he planned to join EDL marches, and boasted of making bombs out of household bleach after watching Chris Morris satire Four Lions, the court heard.
A fellow school pupil said they had been friends initially, but they fell out when the defendant made a string of racist remarks. He said their disagreements escalated until the defendant twice threatened to break his legs and then punched him in the face. “He always kept saying what have your family done for this country, my family fought for it during the war”, said the 17-year-old witness, who cannot be named.
“He said I support the BNP, I support EDL, they stand up for the English people. He said I’ve made contact with the leader of the EDL, and I’m going to start joining them on their marches.”
The pupil said eventually he decided to request a move away from the defendant in class because of his racist views, including that the IRA are “doing a good job”.
“In his exercise books, he was drawing EDL, IRA, and BNP”, he said. ”I started thinking he is distracting me from my work, so I spoke to my teacher and he said yeah, you can move over there. As soon as that happened, he came over to me and said ‘why are you being a skank? Why are you moving away?’”
He added: “It’s not right, he’s got something wrong with him, and I couldn’t see why he is against coloured people.”
The defendant had boasted about his arsenal of petrol bombs, air rifles, and BB guns to his friend, including offering to sell him a gun, it is said. The teenager is also accused of bragging about already creating petrol bombs at home. ”He said have you watched Four Lions”, the boy told the court. ”He said have you seen all that bleach they have in the garage, I know how to make bombs with that. He said I’ve already got ready-made petrol bombs in the house.”
The witness said: “We all used to talk about the film, so I didn’t know if he was taking the mick out of the film of was being deadly serious.” He added he was “not surprised” when he heard of the defendant’s arrest on terror offences, saying: “He was the kind of person who may end up doing something like that.”
The boy said he was attacked by the defendant at the end of June last year in the school changing rooms after they had fallen out. Earlier in the same lesson, the defendant is accused of saying: “My family fought more Germans than you have had curries.”
The court heard he was suspended for two days for attacking the boy, and was in trouble again when he smashed a display cabinet after another pupil said British troops were not fighting for this country. ”As soon as she said that, he has got really angry”, he said. “He pushed his books on the floor, knocked over a chair and slammed the door on his way out. The next thing, there’s a massive bang and everyone ran out because we thought he had hit the teacher. He has hit the display cabinet and it shattered.”
The teenage defendant would wear a long black trench coat around Loughborough with camouflage fatigues and adorn his clothes with army badges, the court heard. The witness said he would get irate if anyone touched any of his badges.
The trial continues. Source
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