Thursday 31 August 2023

The Qareen in Islam: A Mysterious Companion


In Islam, a "qareen" refers to a concept associated with the belief in the existence of a personal, supernatural companion or "jinn" (genie) that is assigned to each human being from birth. This qareen is believed to be a constant companion to an individual throughout their life and is intimately aware of their thoughts, desires, and weaknesses.

Here are some key points to understand about the concept of the qareen in Islam:

Creation: According to Islamic tradition, the qareen is created by Allah alongside the human being. It is made from smokeless fire, similar to other jinn.

Influence: The qareen is thought to influence a person's thoughts and behavior, often trying to lead them astray or tempt them into sinful actions. It is considered a whisperer of evil thoughts and can incite negative emotions and desires.

Temptation and Test: The qareen is seen as a test for human beings. It is believed that it tempts individuals to commit sinful acts, and resisting these temptations is seen as a way of earning Allah's favor.

Protection Through Prayer: Islamic tradition teaches that seeking protection from Allah and reciting certain prayers and verses from the Quran can help shield an individual from the negative influence of their qareen.

Not to Be Confused with Guardian Angels: It's important to note that the concept of a qareen in Islam is distinct from the idea of guardian angels found in some other religious traditions. Guardian angels are seen as benevolent and protective, while the qareen is often perceived as a test or a source of temptation.

Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness: Islam teaches that repentance and seeking forgiveness for one's sins can weaken the influence of the qareen. When a person turns to Allah in sincere repentance, it is believed that their qareen may also encourage them to do good deeds.

It's important to understand that the belief in the qareen is rooted in Islamic folklore and is not universally accepted by all Muslims. Some Islamic scholars and schools of thought place more emphasis on this concept than others. Additionally, interpretations of the qareen's role and influence can vary among individuals and communities within the Muslim world.

Wednesday 30 August 2023

Islam's Cure for Depression | Khutbah by Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy

Islam cultivates beliefs and practices in our daily lives that empower us to stay positive and cure the feelings of depression that hold us down.

Tuesday 29 August 2023

The Angel Gabriel in Islam: A Messenger of Divine Revelations


In the tapestry of Islamic faith, the Angel Gabriel (Jibril in Arabic) stands as a prominent and revered figure. Mentioned in both the Quran and Hadiths, the Angel Gabriel plays a crucial role in delivering the word of Allah to the Prophet Muhammad. This celestial being's significance goes beyond mere messenger duties; it encompasses deeper symbolism and lessons that continue to inspire and guide believers to this day.

The Role of Angel Gabriel

In Islam, Angel Gabriel is not merely a passive messenger; he is an active participant in the divine communication process. He is entrusted with the task of delivering revelations from Allah to the Prophets, starting with Adam and culminating in the final prophet, Muhammad. These revelations were recorded and compiled into the Quran, the holy book of Islam, providing spiritual guidance, laws, and a moral framework for Muslims.

The First Revelation

One of the most pivotal moments in Islamic history is the first revelation received by Prophet Muhammad through Angel Gabriel. This event took place in the cave of Hira, near Mecca. During this profound encounter, Angel Gabriel conveyed the opening verses of the Quran to Muhammad, instructing him to read in the name of Allah. This marked the beginning of a new era of divine revelations and the establishment of Islam as a monotheistic faith.

Symbolism and Significance

Beyond his role as a bearer of messages, Angel Gabriel holds deep symbolic significance in Islamic teachings. Often depicted as a symbol of purity and light, he serves as a reminder of Allah's mercy and benevolence. His appearance to the Prophets reassures them of their divine mission, offering guidance and strength to fulfill their responsibilities. This symbolism is a source of inspiration for believers who seek guidance and a connection to the divine in their own lives.

The Night of Decree (Laylat al-Qadr)

The Angel Gabriel is intrinsically linked to the Night of Decree, also known as Laylat al-Qadr. This night, which falls within the last ten days of Ramadan, holds immense spiritual significance as it marks the night when the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that during this night, Angel Gabriel descends with blessings and mercy, and acts as a conduit for the transmission of divine blessings to believers. Muslims engage in increased worship and prayer during this period, seeking the opportunity to earn spiritual rewards and seek forgiveness.

Lessons from the Angel Gabriel

The presence of Angel Gabriel in Islamic teachings imparts several important lessons to believers:

Obedience to Allah: Just as Angel Gabriel obeyed Allah's command to deliver revelations, believers are reminded of the importance of obeying Allah's guidance in their daily lives.

Trust and Faith: The relationship between the Prophets and Angel Gabriel highlights the importance of trust and faith in Allah's plan, even when facing challenges or uncertainty.

Divine Mercy: The benevolent role of Angel Gabriel showcases Allah's mercy and compassion in guiding humanity toward righteousness and salvation.

Spiritual Vigilance: Angel Gabriel's association with the Night of Decree encourages believers to be spiritually vigilant, seeking moments of divine connection and blessings.


The Angel Gabriel holds a unique and revered place in Islamic theology and history. As a messenger of divine revelations, he bridges the gap between the celestial realm and humanity, guiding believers toward a life of faith, righteousness, and obedience. Beyond the narrative of his role, Angel Gabriel's symbolism and lessons remain relevant, inspiring Muslims to strengthen their relationship with Allah and strive for spiritual growth. Through his appearances and significance, the Angel Gabriel stands as a luminous beacon, illuminating the path of Islam for believers around the world.

Monday 28 August 2023

Abu Dujana (ra): The Red Bandana


Only one man was worthy of fighting with the sword of the Prophet ﷺ, and he proved that he would honor it in more ways than one. The story of Abu Dujana (ra) is a story of a man who displayed bravery in the most difficult moments of battle, and integrity in every moment of his life. 

Friday 25 August 2023

Philosphy, Islam & Rights| Shaykh Hamza Yusuf


Shaykh hamza yusuf sits down for an insightful Q&A session. He talks about mind, philosophy and religion. The challenges of today and role of Islam in a believers life to live according to the Will of ALLAH. May Allah help us learn from this lecture and make us the people of Jannah. Ameen Jazak Allah khayr

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Conquering Your Insecurities | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman


While we often think of unchecked desires being the source of our sins, unresolved insecurities can be just as damaging. How do we critically examine our fears and insecurities, then develop ourselves to seek protection and validation from the best of all sources.

Tuesday 22 August 2023

The Power of Tawakkul: Trusting in Allah's Plan


Tawakkul, the concept of placing trust and reliance in Allah (God), is a fundamental aspect of Islamic faith. It goes hand in hand with the belief in the oneness of Allah (Tawheed) and is a source of strength and comfort for Muslims. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of Tawakkul in Islam and its profound impact on the lives of believers.

1. Defining Tawakkul

Tawakkul can be best understood as the balance between human effort and divine trust. It involves putting in one's best effort while understanding that ultimate control and outcomes rest with Allah. It is not passive resignation but an active and heartfelt trust in God's plan.

2. Tawakkul as a Source of Inner Peace

One of the most significant benefits of Tawakkul is the profound sense of inner peace it provides. Here's why it's so crucial:

a. Stress Reduction: Trusting in Allah's plan alleviates stress and anxiety. Muslims believe that whatever happens is part of God's decree, and this belief provides solace during challenging times.

b. Letting Go of Control: Tawakkul encourages believers to relinquish the illusion of control. Instead of obsessing over outcomes, they focus on doing their best and trusting that Allah will take care of the rest.

c. Contentment: Tawakkul fosters contentment with what one has and where one is in life. Believers find peace in the belief that Allah knows what's best for them and will provide accordingly.

3. Motivation and Initiative

Contrary to misconceptions, Tawakkul does not advocate passivity. It motivates believers to take initiative and work hard in their pursuits. Here's how it works:

a. Diligence: Believers are encouraged to work diligently in their endeavors, whether it's in education, career, or personal goals. Tawakkul reinforces the idea that Allah rewards hard work.

b. Confidence: Trusting in Allah's plan gives believers the confidence to pursue their goals fearlessly. They know that, ultimately, success or failure is in God's hands.

4. Coping with Adversity

Tawakkul is a powerful tool for coping with adversity and challenges in life:

a. Patience: Believers are taught patience in the face of difficulties. They understand that trials and tribulations are part of Allah's plan, and their trust in Him helps them endure with resilience.

b. Seeking Solutions: Tawakkul doesn't discourage seeking solutions to problems. Rather, it encourages believers to explore solutions while maintaining trust in Allah's ultimate wisdom.

5. Spiritual Growth

Tawakkul is a means of spiritual growth and deepening one's faith:

a. Increased Gratitude: Trusting in Allah's plan cultivates gratitude for blessings and hardships alike, as believers recognize that everything is a part of God's divine plan.

b. Strengthened Faith: Over time, Tawakkul strengthens a believer's faith. They witness how Allah's plans unfold, and this reinforces their trust in Him.


In Islam, Tawakkul is more than a concept; it's a way of life. It teaches believers to balance their efforts with trust in Allah's plan, leading to inner peace, motivation, and resilience. Tawakkul helps individuals navigate life's challenges with grace, fostering a deep connection with God and a profound sense of contentment. Ultimately, the importance of Tawakkul lies in its capacity to guide Muslims through life's journey, knowing that they are in the care of the All-Knowing and All-Merciful Creator.

Monday 21 August 2023

The Scam Behind the Invalid Misyar, Mut'ah and Secret Muslim Marriages


Secret marriages among red pill Muslim men and women have unfortunately become common, due to an increase in narcissism in our societies. Codependent Muslim men are also getting roped into this by their narcissistic brothers, only to have their lives and marriages ruined by terrible advice that goes against Islamic principles and morals.

Friday 18 August 2023

The Benefits of Hasbunallahu Wa Ni'mal Wakeel


Explaining the meaning and benefits of the dua that Ibrahim (as) said as he was thrown into the fire, and the Prophet ﷺ said as he faced a massive army.

Thursday 17 August 2023

Said Nursi: A Visionary Scholar's Legacy of Faith, Knowledge, and Service

Said Nursi, also known as Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, was a visionary Islamic scholar, theologian, and thinker whose life and teachings have left an indelible mark on the world of Islamic thought. Born in 1877 in eastern Turkey, Nursi emerged as a prominent figure during a period of great transformation in the Muslim world. His unwavering commitment to faith, dedication to education, and efforts to bridge the gap between modernity and tradition have made him a revered figure and a source of inspiration for Muslims and scholars worldwide.

Early Life and Spiritual Quest:
Said Nursi was raised in a rural and deeply religious environment. His early years were marked by a fervent search for spiritual truth and understanding. This quest led him on a journey of deep contemplation and study, during which he sought to reconcile Islamic teachings with modern advancements.

The Risale-i Nur:
One of Nursi's most significant contributions is his magnum opus, the "Risale-i Nur" (Epistles of Light). This monumental work comprises a collection of treatises and letters that address various aspects of Islamic faith, theology, and philosophy. Nursi's unique approach is characterized by his effort to present Islamic teachings in a rational and scientific framework, making it accessible to both traditional scholars and modern intellectuals.

Harmony of Science and Religion:
Nursi's teachings emphasized the harmony between faith and reason, and he advocated for the integration of religious values with modern knowledge. He believed that true understanding could be achieved by studying both religious texts and the natural world, thereby bridging the gap between religious and scientific knowledge.

Dialogue and Interfaith Engagement:
In an era marked by social and political changes, Nursi recognized the importance of fostering understanding and cooperation among different religious and cultural communities. He promoted dialogue and interfaith engagement as a means to promote peace, harmony, and mutual respect.

Suffering and Perseverance:
Nursi's commitment to his beliefs often led to periods of imprisonment and exile due to his perceived influence and potential impact. Despite facing adversity and confinement, he continued to write and inspire others through his works. His steadfastness and resilience in the face of challenges became emblematic of his dedication to his ideals.

Legacy and Global Influence:
Said Nursi's teachings have had a lasting impact on generations of Muslims, scholars, and thinkers. His emphasis on the compatibility of Islam with modern knowledge continues to resonate in contemporary discussions about faith and science. The "Risale-i Nur" has been translated into numerous languages and has reached a global audience, fostering a greater understanding of Islamic principles and fostering a sense of unity among Muslims.

Said Nursi's life and contributions exemplify the transformative power of faith, knowledge, and service. His efforts to bridge the gap between tradition and modernity, his dedication to education, and his commitment to interfaith understanding have left an enduring legacy that continues to shape the lives of countless individuals. Nursi's teachings remind us of the importance of intellectual curiosity, open dialogue, and the pursuit of a harmonious relationship between faith and reason in a rapidly changing world.

Tuesday 15 August 2023

The Prohibition of Gambling in Islam: A Moral and Spiritual Perspective

In the realm of Islamic teachings, the prohibition of gambling stands as a fundamental principle that upholds the spiritual and ethical well-being of believers. Gambling, often referred to as "maisir" in Arabic, encompasses a range of games of chance, betting, and speculative activities that are deemed haram, or forbidden, by Islamic scholars. This blog post delves into the reasons behind the prohibition of gambling in Islam, shedding light on its detrimental effects on individuals and society.

The Foundations of Islamic Morality:
Islam places a strong emphasis on ethical conduct and the development of a righteous character. The prohibition of gambling aligns with these core principles, as it fosters values such as honesty, hard work, and responsibility. Gambling, on the other hand, encourages the pursuit of wealth through chance rather than through honest labor, undermining the fabric of moral values that Islam seeks to uphold.

Risk of Exploitation and Injustice:
Gambling often preys on vulnerable individuals, enticing them with the prospect of quick riches while masking the harsh reality of substantial financial losses. This creates an environment where those who are economically disadvantaged are disproportionately affected, exacerbating social inequalities and contributing to a cycle of exploitation. Islam promotes social justice and equality, making the prohibition of gambling a crucial step in safeguarding the welfare of all members of society.

Deterioration of Family and Community Bonds:
Gambling can lead to the breakdown of family and community relationships. Individuals who become consumed by the pursuit of gambling are more likely to neglect their responsibilities to their families, leading to strained relationships, financial hardship, and emotional distress. Islam places immense importance on the institution of the family and the strength of communal bonds, making the avoidance of activities that threaten these connections imperative.

Erosion of Personal Character:
Islam emphasizes the development of self-discipline, self-control, and self-restraint. Engaging in gambling contradicts these values, as it encourages impulsive behavior, greed, and a lack of moderation. Such behaviors can lead to a degradation of one's character and moral compass, hindering personal growth and spiritual development.

The Impact on Mental and Emotional Well-being:
Studies have shown that gambling addiction can have severe negative effects on mental and emotional well-being. The stress, anxiety, and depression that often accompany gambling losses can have far-reaching consequences on an individual's overall quality of life. Islam promotes the preservation of physical and mental health, making the avoidance of activities that jeopardize well-being a fundamental aspect of the faith.

The prohibition of gambling in Islam is rooted in the preservation of moral, spiritual, and social well-being. It reflects the holistic approach that Islam takes towards human life, aiming to create a just and harmonious society where individuals can thrive both spiritually and materially. By understanding the underlying principles that guide the prohibition of gambling, believers can make informed choices that align with the teachings of Islam and contribute to their own personal growth and the betterment of society at large.

Monday 14 August 2023

Muslims Refuting Each Other Online



Refutation and 'cancel' culture has become an increasing problem amongst Muslims online.

Friday 11 August 2023

Feeling Paralyzed by Stress and Fitna? | Khutbah with Dr. Omar Suleiman

How do we stay prayerful and productive when bad news rapidly unfolds, and life becomes increasingly stressful?

Listen to this khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman as he explains how we can get maintain productivity when we are feeling paralyzed by bad news and stress.

Tuesday 8 August 2023

Islam and Accountability: A Path to Spiritual Growth and Responsibility


Accountability is an integral part of Islam, serving as a guiding principle for individual conduct, personal growth, and societal harmony. The belief in ultimate accountability before Allah encourages Muslims to act responsibly, make ethical choices, and contribute positively to their communities. Through self-awareness, intentionality, and a commitment to justice, accountability in Islam becomes a powerful tool for spiritual elevation and the betterment of both the individual and society as a whole.

Accountability is a fundamental concept in Islam that emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and decisions. It is the understanding that individuals are answerable for their choices, not only to themselves but also to a higher power. This article delves into the Islamic perspective on accountability, exploring how it is deeply woven into the fabric of the faith and its implications for personal growth and societal harmony.

The Concept of Accountability in Islam

In Islam, accountability is a principle that transcends the physical world and encompasses both the temporal and spiritual realms. Muslims believe that they will ultimately stand before Allah on the Day of Judgment to answer for their deeds. This belief underscores the necessity of leading a righteous and accountable life.

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, frequently emphasizes the concept of accountability. A recurring theme is that individuals will be rewarded for their good deeds and punished for their wrongdoings. Verses such as "So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it" (Quran 99:7-8) serve as a reminder that even the smallest of actions will be accounted for.

Personal Responsibility

Islam places great emphasis on individual responsibility. Each person is considered the steward of their actions and choices. The concept of free will is deeply rooted in Islamic teachings, and humans are encouraged to make ethical decisions based on their understanding of right and wrong. This understanding is guided by the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The idea of accountability is closely tied to the Five Pillars of Islam, which are the fundamental acts of worship and practice for Muslims. These pillars—Shahada (faith), Salah (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage)—not only foster a sense of devotion but also provide a framework for individuals to be accountable in various aspects of their lives, including their relationship with Allah, fellow humans, and society as a whole.

Social Accountability

Islamic teachings also stress the importance of social accountability. Muslims are encouraged to contribute positively to their communities and promote justice and compassion. The concept of "amr bil ma'ruf wa nahi anil munkar," which translates to "enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong," reflects the duty to stand against injustice and immorality, promoting a just and accountable society.

Islamic jurisprudence includes a system of ethical guidelines and laws that help ensure individuals are accountable to one another and to society. This system aims to create a harmonious and responsible community by upholding justice, fairness, and moral conduct.

Accountability is not merely a religious concept within Islam; it is a way of life that shapes the behavior, ethics, and worldview of its followers. Muslims believe that their actions have consequences both in this world and the hereafter, motivating them to lead honorable and responsible lives. This sense of accountability permeates their relationship with Allah, their interactions with others, and their contributions to society.

Ultimately, the concept of accountability in Islam reminds us of the profound interconnectedness of our actions and their effects on the world around us. By embracing accountability, individuals can strive for personal growth, contribute positively to their communities, and work towards building a more just and compassionate society.

Monday 7 August 2023

Allah Knows Your Struggle - Surah An-Najm | Nouman Ali Khan

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan emphasizes that making mistakes is a natural tendency of human beings, and we should acknowledge them, seek true repentance and make an effort to prevent their recurrence. We can take solace in the fact that Allah, who is the Most Forgiving, is cognizant of our limitations, and if we repent sincerely, He is always ready to forgive us. Hence, it is vital for us, as Muslims, to maintain a moderate outlook towards our faith.

Friday 4 August 2023

The Ashura Within | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman


How do we internalize Ashura and lessons on tyranny and oppression to the point that we critically examine every relationship in our lives including the one with our own souls.

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Indian Muslim women don’t need male ‘saviours’ – Hindu or Muslim


Living under a Hindu nationalist regime for almost a decade, the traditional perception of men as protectors and women as preservers of cultural traditions is increasingly getting reinforced in shaping people’s identities in contemporary India – among both Hindus and Muslims.

The recurring calls for genocide, rising hate crimes and everyday humiliation of Muslims at the hands of Hindu nationalists pose an existential crisis for the entire Muslim community. A few men, however, are internalising this crisis as a personal failing on account of their traditional gender role as protectors of their community and are adopting exaggerated and superficial masculine traits as a defence mechanism.

The trolling of Fatima, a non-hijabi woman, was centred around her Muslim name and the validity of her faith. In the case of Nabiya, meanwhile, accounts with large followings on the internet circulated images of her showing her sitting with male non-Muslim friends – an act that, according to those targeting her, brought disrespect to the hijab.

The Muslim trolls ironically attacked her through the exact same stereotypical beliefs that the Hindu right-wing associates with Muslim women, according to which the hijab worn by her is not a representation of her faith but rather a symbol of her subjugation to the men of her community.

The nature of the trolling that these women were subjected to was based on the belief that liberal or feminist thought within Muslim women has influenced them to go against the men of the community, misuse their names or their religious symbols (in this case, the hijab) while jeopardising the honour of the Muslim community. A troubling culture of victim blaming is breeding, where the Islamophobic violence directed towards Muslims is being blamed on the weakest of all within the community.

Despite putting their safety at risk to speak against the rising Islamophobia in India, women like Fatima and Nabiya are being labelled by some as traitors to the community. This has nothing to do with genuine morality and everything to do with the display of policing. A display of male supremacy, cloaked in the age-old guise of traditional morality.

While the online attack on Nabiya and Fatima is vile and harsh, they are urban, relatively privileged women – a status that affords them at least some level of protection. Women who come from marginalised sections have little to no support, once they have become subjects of public humiliation. This in turn can lead to social ostracisation and even physical violence, all of which is bound to have a profound negative impact on their psychological wellbeing.

It is difficult to speak up against the implications of these attacks. There already exists in India and many other parts of the world an unfair, made-up narrative that frames all Muslim men as oppressive, violent and predatory. Being aware of how her own oppression will be weaponised against her community and will embolden a system that is constantly on the lookout for excuses to put stamps on these stereotypes, the Muslim woman is under pressure to submit silently to this new, rising threat.

This double silencing not only limits her capacity to protect herself against violence but also denies her any political agency, reducing her to either a spectator, a supporter or a battleground.

She is forced to choose from a pre-written binary – one where she can either be “saved” by the Hindu man or “protected” by the Muslim man.

Full article 

Tuesday 1 August 2023

How Muslim Scholars Understood Mental Illness a Thousand Years Ago | Holistic Healing with Dr. Rania

Has anyone ever uttered these words to you, “A Muslim is not afflicted with depression?” If so, you are not alone. However, this phrase actually contradicts the teachings of our beloved Prophet ﷺ. It’s important to truly understand the factors that influence mental health illnesses in order to begin healing. In this episode, Dr. Rania Awaad discusses how early Muslim scholars understood the complexities of such illnesses.