Oppression (zulm) is one of the gravest sins in Islam, and justice (ʻladl) is a fundamental principle that every believer is called upon to uphold. Throughout Islamic teachings, Allah commands the faithful to stand firmly against oppression and to work tirelessly for justice, both on a personal level and in society.
The Islamic Stance Against Oppression
The Qur'an strongly condemns oppression in all its forms. Allah states:
"Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing." (Qur'an 4:58)
This verse highlights the necessity of fairness and integrity in all dealings. Oppression, whether by individuals, rulers, or societal systems, is considered a violation of divine justice. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also warned against injustice, stating:
"Beware of oppression, for oppression will be darkness on the Day of Judgment." (Sahih Muslim)
The Duty to Fight for Justice
Islamic teachings do not advocate passivity in the face of injustice. Instead, believers are encouraged to actively resist oppression and support the oppressed. The Qur'an commands:
"O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness." (Qur'an 5:8)
Justice must be upheld even if it goes against one's own interests or those of loved ones. Islam teaches that neutrality in the face of oppression is akin to supporting the oppressor.
Prophet Muhammad’s Example
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a model for justice. He challenged the corrupt elite of Makkah, defended the rights of the weak, and established a society in Madinah based on equality and justice. He famously stated:
"Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is oppressed." When asked how one could help an oppressor, he replied, "By preventing him from oppressing others." (Sahih Bukhari)
This hadith shows that fighting oppression is not just about supporting victims but also about stopping the cycle of injustice at its root.
Practical Ways to Stand Against Oppression
Speak Out: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The best jihad is a word of truth in front of a tyrannical ruler." (Sunan Abi Dawood) Silence in the face of injustice allows oppression to continue.
Support the Oppressed: Whether through financial aid, advocacy, or community support, Islam encourages believers to uplift those who suffer injustice.
Strive for Legal and Social Justice: Muslims are urged to work towards fair laws, ethical governance, and social reforms that promote equality and dignity for all.
Practice Justice in Daily Life: Justice starts at an individual level—fair dealings with family, honesty in business, and kindness to all.
Make Du’a (Supplication): The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught that the supplication of the oppressed is never rejected by Allah. Seeking divine help is a powerful means of fighting injustice.
Islam mandates an unwavering commitment to justice and a firm stance against oppression. It calls upon believers to be active agents of change, resisting tyranny with wisdom, patience, and faith. By following the teachings of the Qur'an and the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Muslims can play a crucial role in building a just and compassionate society.