Tuesday 31 October 2017

Racist rant thug with 'grenade' and sword who pledged to slash Muslims in viral video is jailed

A still from the video

Hepplestall was accused of using racially-aggravated, threatening language and threatening to destroy or damage property.

But he admitted an alternative charge to the first charge of malicious communication and the second was ordered to lie on the file.
He has 37 previous convictions for 47 offences, including threatening behaviour on three occasions, and has been jailed for dealing cocaine.
Lloyd Morgan, defending, said his "ashamed" client was sorry and told him he was "a f***ing d***head for making that video".
He said Hepplestall, who knew someone at the concert and had been drunk, tried to "redress the balance" after being "completely moronic".
Mr Morgan said he had suffered three "savage attacks" in jail - the last leaving him permanently scarred - and his family had been threatened.
Jailing him for 20 months, Judge Elizabeth Nicholls said: "On the 22nd of May of this year, a number of innocent people were killed and injured at the Manchester Arena due to the actions of a suicide bomber.
"Manchester and the rest of the country were appalled by this atrocity. But Manchester’s response was to kick back at the fear and hatred intended by this act, and (come) together.

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