Monday 1 March 2010

Jewish settler throws wine at a Palestinian woman in Hebron in the West Bank.

A Jewish settler throws wine at a Palestinian woman in Hebron in the West Bank. Holy to both Jews and Muslims, the city is often the scene of violence. Castelnuovo captured the attack while photographing a celebration of the Jewish festival of Purim

Rina Castelnuovo/Reportage by Getty

Source: Times Online

1 comment:

  1. First of all,i would like to say thanks to you for such a commandable work on islam.secondly,the pictures which has been posted above is really worri-some.May Allah protect our sisters,brothers,children and orphans.
    The OIC has been remained well aware from these sorts of jolts but couldnot dare to chant voice against Israel.
    These are the same people whom Allah blessed many time in the history particularly in the time of Mosses.
    well my friend You have rendered a good Job.
    take care
